Tapestry - the online Learning Journal

A key message from the Early Years Foundation Stage [EYFS] is, 'All planning starts with observing children in order to understand and consider their current interests, development and learning' (Enabling Environments 3.1).
Observing children in my care is crucial in enabling me to understand them, their age and stage of development, their interests and learning styles and so inform planning to ensure each individual reaches their potential. Observation is an opportunity to look closely at the processes of learning, as well as its products although it is important to remember that an observation alone will not be a piece of assessment in itself. The notes written need to be brief and precise and above all else, valuable to those who will use them to inform planning. Observations need to be analysed in order to plan future learning opportunities and create an understanding of how children learn best.
I have found the best method of ensuring instantly updated observations and assessment is available to all practitioners and parents is by using Tapestry - the online Learning Journal.
Tapestry covers the Early Years Foundation Stage, KS1 and KS2 groups and is designed to simplify and improve recording within these curricula. Information can be filtered and displayed in different ways, and assessments and statements can be made for each entry.
Text, images and videos can be easily uploaded via PC, tablet or our mobile app - anywhere there's an online connection. Every entry helps to create a complete story of a child's time at nursery, pre-school or school.
This means there is no need for using ring binders or scrapbooks as learning records, or time consuming written notes and glued-in photos. When children leave the setting parents are provided with a permanent version of their child's journal as a keepsake, either as a hard copy or on CD.