Ofsted Outstanding 2009 / 2014 / 2019
My most recent inspection took place on November 14th 2019 and I was proud to retain the OUTSTANDING grade I worked hard to achieve in March 2009 and retain in November 2014. My full report can be found here, however here are a few extracts:
Quality of teaching
Children truly flourish in this well-qualified and knowledgeable childminder's care. Children's safety and well-being is at the heart of everything the childminder does. The quality of the learning experiences and opportunities that children engage in is exceptional. Children are deeply engaged in their learning. This is because the learning environment is so well considered, and the quality of teaching is superb.
The childminder places a great emphasis on sharing stories with children. The children, therefore, already have a love of reading. They learn a wealth of new and interesting vocabulary, such as the 'thrumming' of the bees, and what the word 'hue' means. The childminder expertly adjusts the level of challenge she provides as she is reading, dependent on the children she is sharing the story with. For example, she asks younger children to tell her about the pictures. For older children, she asks searching questions to find out what they already know and to build on this knowledge. These activities wholly support children's communication and language development.
The childminder has a wealth of safeguarding policies and procedures. She has attended many training initiatives to ensure that children's safety is always at the forefront of her mind. She is fully aware of her responsibility to protect children from potential harm. The childminder has a very secure knowledge of the signs and symptoms of abuse and where to refer any concerns she may have.
Partnership working
Partnerships with parents and other professionals are excellent. 'Travelling Ted' goes home with children to share in the adventures they have away from the childminder's home. Parents speak very highly of the care the childminder provides. They say they cannot praise the childminder enough and that they have seen their children flourish in her care.
Progress and development
The childminder has a deep understanding of children's starting points and the experiences and skills that they arrive in her care with and without. She uses this information to devise an ambitious curriculum and a wonderful array of innovative activities. This ensures children develop an early and eager love of learning that lays a secure foundation for when they start school.
The childminder takes every opportunity to enable children to demonstrate what they already know, can do and recall. This means that they consolidate and secure learning rapidly. For example, the childminder gives a young child time to think about what she is looking at.
She is thrilled to hear the child correctly say, 'Acorn' as this is very recently learned vocabulary, following activities about autumn.
There are such strong and valuable relationships between the childminder and each child, as well as between all of the children. Young children spontaneously ask the childminder if she would like a cuddle and ask the other children the same question.
The childminder has high expectations of children's behaviour and conduct. She constantly and meaningfully praises children and calmly reminds them to 'wait one moment' if they interrupt.
The childminder is a wonderful role model for children. She shows children much respect. She asks children before she does anything with them, such as putting them to bed or changing their nappy. Children indicate their consent by moving towards her.