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Continuing professional develpment

My continuing professional development is very important to me. You will probably be aware from the news, childcare frameworks and government policy are constantly changing and evolving and I believe it is crucial to continue your training and study in the early years field to be able to provide the best early years care for your child, and service to you as a parent.

Great Ashby Childminder Stevenage Childminder

Foundation Degree in Early Years - Distinction 2010

After studying part time since 2007, I completed my Foundation Degree via The Open University, achieving a distinction in 2010.


BA in Early Years - 2014

I then took a study break before I completed my final module, KE312 - Working Together for Children, in June 2014, to achive my BA in Early Years.


Early Years Teacher Training - 2014

During 2013 I also embarked on a 12 month programme to achieve Early Years Teacher Status, via the Eastern Leadership Centre.

In order to achieve Early Years Teacher Status you must demonstrate a set of professional standards that relate to working with children from birth to five. The standards are outcome statements that describe what Early Years Teachers need to know, understand and be able to do, and apply to practice with children from birth to the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage.


There are certain attributes that distinguish the role of an Early Years Teacher whatever their working context:

The first is that they are reflective practitioners.

The second is that they lead and support colleagues in order to effect change and improve outcomes for children. Early Years Teachers need to work skilfully with others, using a wide range of skills, including what is often characterised as ‘emotional intelligence’.


All these skills are professionally applied to improve outcomes for children.


This level of professional development, carried out in my own time, demonstrates my commitment to my profession and so enables me to provide you and your child with exemplary service.





“Joanna is highly reflective and puts the children at the heart of everything she does.”

HQS Mentor 2013


Accreditations and additional training

Hygee in the Early Years Accreditation - from January 2019

A year long, 20 module self and setting reflective journey learning how to develop a culture in the setting that is built on love, kindness, nurturing and self care. Understanding how to create elements of the Danish approach to living, known as Hygge, to set up cosy and nurturing provision that will improve behaviour and well-being.

Hertfordshire Quality Standards / EYQS

I initially completed my HQS journey in 2003 and have undergone re-accreditation twice, most recently in 2013. The award has been re-branded is now known as the Early Years Quality Standards; I completed my BRONZE award in 2016.

Mandatory and optional training

I also regularly undertake a variety of compulsory and non-mandatory training events during the year including: Paediatric First Aid / Safeguarding / Basic Food Hygiene / Baby Brain Training.

Joanna Wells I Early Years Teacher I Early Years Assessor

Stevenage Childminder I Great Ashby Childminder I Ofsted Outstanding I BA in Early Years

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